Get Busy at Home – The Benefits of a Home-Based Business

Home working. Once a novelty, then a requirement. Now businesses are redefining themselves in the office and at home, and there are more and more opportunities to fit your career around your personal life. But what if, as a parent or something with personal commitments, you want to have greater control of your hours? The good news is – running a business from your home has only gotten easier! This can be a great solution for those entrepreneurs seeking work life balance. But what are the benefits of a home-based business? We’ve compiled just a few below:

Travel Around the World – from your Kitchen

No more work trips up and down the country to meet with clients – every business has had to get to grips with remote conferencing over the last few years, and should be all geared up for you to meet with them over video call. That means less wear and tear on a vehicle, less fuel costs. No stress with public transport, or exhausting commutes. And you’ll be helping the environment too! What’s more, less travel time boosts productivity, as you can speak more work time actually working.


Be Flexible – from your Sofa

Productivity is important in any business, and if you’re both motivated and disciplined, you’ll flourish in a home-based business. The good news is there’ll be no boss standing over your shoulder requesting that report, or looming from their office down the hallway. You’ll be managing your own schedule, and if the business allows, you can be flexible in when and how you work. It won’t matter if you’re completing tasks in the living room, in the garden – or even in the middle of the night. This can be a gamechanger, for those juggling family with work. And for creative types – you can schedule your workflow around when you find the ideas flow for you.

Be focused – from your Garden

Lots of people who run a home-based business say they can get as much done in one day as they could in two days when compared to working in an office. You’ll have less interruptions – unless they’re domestic ones, of course – which means you’ll be free to knuckle down and get your tasks completed efficiently. Of course, it takes discipline to remain focused when working from home, and there are still distractions that can pull you away from your work if you let them. The most successful owners of home-based businesses maintain a working routine, and have a separate office or ‘place of work’. Then it needs to be clear that the rest of the family knows that, when you’re at work, you shouldn’t be interrupted.


Be compensated – for your Bills

Another advantage of home-based businesses is that you can legitimately claim back for some of your household costs, such as utilities. You should still take some professional advice on how much you can claim, though, and you’ll also need to be careful not to incur business rates. Living and working in the same place might be good for your finances, but it’s not always so easy on the body and soul. Some owners of home-based businesses miss the commute either end of the day that helps separate work from their domestic lives. You should counter this by getting away from your workspace during the day. Whether that’s to take the dog for a walk, go for a run or pop down to the shops, you need the discipline to take a break at times too.

There are more opportunities for home workers than ever before. Why not take a look at some of the hundreds of options available here at DaltonsBusiness

Get Busy at Home – The Benefits of a Home-Based Business