Receive the Gift of a new Career this Valentine’s Day

For many people, Valentine’s day is a time of celebration. It’s an opportunity to honour those we love in our lives with a bit of extra attention and care.  For others, February 14th is just another day. Cynical corporate cash grab or not, it’s an opportunity to reflect on who we love, and what we love. So why not turn that love back around on yourself this year and consider a Valentine’s Day career change?

Many of us spend more time at work than we do with our partners, so shouldn’t we give our career some love on Thursday? Maybe it’s time to rethink your relationship with your job, and make a change.


Put pen to paper and write an alternative Valentine’s Day message

Write down all the things you love. Not people, not necessarily places and, ideally, not the latest gadget. Make a list of every activity that puts a smile on your face. It could be a love for sports and fitness, or it could be a love for walking the dog. Either way, there will be an opportunity through which you can harness that love into a new career; whether its a fulfilling day job or a rewarding side hustle.

It’s all about taking a fresh look at your life. Not navel-gazing or becoming overly introspective, but simply focusing on what’s important to you. Take time out to consider what makes you tick. Because if you know what you love in life, you can turn that into a career that rewards in more ways than merely through money. Fulfillment is priceless. That might mean starting a business in a sector poles apart from your current job. Or buying an existing business that taps into what you love to do, not just what you think you can do right now.


Follow Your Heart, no Matter What

Romantic movies are all about how far people will go for love. We’ve seen our silver screen heroes cross oceans, fight armies, move mountains. Good entrepreneurs have the same persistence. They work doggedly until success comes, simply because they’ve given themselves no alternative. They’re doing what they love every day and success – whether that’s riches, freedom or respect – comes along naturally. Why should it be any different for you? Take that list you’ve written and see if there are any businesses for sale or franchise opportunities that tick the box for your career change.

At New Year we set ourselves goals. We set these markers on birthdays and on other milestones too. And each year, let’s admit it, most of us fail to achieve those goals not that long after they’ve been set. But we didn’t fail because we no longer craved those goals; we failed because we lost passion and didn’t stay focused. So, whether you’ve got a date this Valentine’s Day or not, spend some of the day thinking about what you love to do now, and what you’d love to do in your career.


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Receive the Gift of a new Career this Valentine’s Day